Sunday, July 31, 2016

25 Ways to Beat the Summer Heat Without A/C

Hi my name is Darlene and I am so happy you decided to join my today.

With the summer temperatures reaching all time highs it is important to know how to prevent heat stress. Heat combined with other stresses such as hard physical labor, dehydration, fatigue or pre-existing medical conditions, it can lead to heat-related illness and death.

To help you beat the summer heat I have created this list.

  1. Try visiting public buildings that are air conditioned. Places like shopping malls, libraries and movie theaters are great for cooling down.
  2. Go to the park. All the trees and other plants cool the air.
  3. Have a water balloon fight.
  4. Take a trip to the beach.
  5. Play at a splash pad.
  6. Get your water guns out.
  7. Run through the sprinkler.
  8. Try the  “Egyptian method.” Dampen a sheet in cool water and use it as a blanket. 
  9. Put your bathing suits on and have a cool bubble bath.
  10. Take a cool shower. Rinsing off under a stream of cool water will bring down your core body temperature and rinses off the sweat.
  11. Drink more water. You need to keep hydrated and replenish the liquids lost through sweating.
  12. Avoid caffeine and alcohol and beverages high in sugar. They can contribute to dehydration.
  13. Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored, breathable clothing made from material such as cotton to allow free air movement and sweat evaporation.
  14. Avoid using the oven and stove. Get your slow cooker out, rice cooker or barbecue. You could try no cook or oven free recipes.
  15. To cool down fast, apply ice packs or cold compresses to your pulse points at the wrists, neck, elbows, groin, ankles, and behind the knees.
  16. Spritz yourself. Consider using a spray bottle filled with cold water for a refreshing spritz when ever the need arises.
  17. Use insulated curtains to keep the hot sun out.
  18. Avoid the sun when its highest in the sky (between 10 am and 4 pm)
  19. Get down low. Hot air rises so put your bed close to the ground. That means dragging your mattress down from a loft or high bed and putting it on the floor. Try sleeping on the ground floor or in the basement instead of an upper level.
  20. Turn off the lights. Light bulbs give off heat so take advantage of the natural light.
  21. Cool down a whole room by hanging a wet sheet in front of an open window. The breeze blowing in will quickly bring down the room’s temperature.
  22.  Camp in the backyard. Sometimes it is cooler outside than it is inside so pitch a tent in the yard and practice your camping skills.
  23. Save strenuous activities such as cutting the lawn or vacuuming for the cooler parts of the day.
  24. Grow plants inside and outside to provide shade and help cool the air.
  25. Utilize those fans. If you have a ceiling fan, run it counter-clockwise for optimum cooling. Point box fans out the windows so they push hot air outMake an artificial breeze, by putting 2 fans at opposite ends of the house, one in, and one out. Make a DIY air conditioner by putting a shallow pan of ice in front of a fan. The forced air will pick up the cold water from the ice’s surface creating a cooling mist.
So the next time there is a heat warning in your area, keep in mind these 25 ways to beat the summer heat.

If you have any other ideas, I'd love to read them so share them down below in the comments.

I love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day.

Bye for now.
Wishing you the best, 

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

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Sunday, July 24, 2016

10 Things I Don’t Like to Spend My Money On

Hi. My name is Darlene. I am so glad you are here. Today, I am going to share a short list of things I don't like to spend my money on.

Whether you are on a fixed income or the cash is plenty I'm sure there are things you just didn't like to spend your money on too.

Here is a list of a few things I like to leave at the store.

Canadian Money

1. Cleaning Products

I know this might sound bad and you're thinking my place is a cesspool of grim but it really isn't.

Generally cleaning products have some type of fragrance which aggravates my allergies. I get a shooting pain in my sinuses that becomes an over bearing headache that can last for days and sometimes it may lead to a sinus infection and if you've ever had one of those you know it is no picnic in the park.

Plus I use microfiber cloths and cleaning products are not needed when you use them.

2. Books & Magazines

I love to read a new book and flip through the latest magazine but they are just so costly. Why pay for these when free is an option.

Visit your local library to find the newest best sellers and magazines. Or borrow from a friend. You can even find them online.


3. Music & Movies
The same goes for music and movies. Your local library has a good selection of DVDs and CDs you can borrow. The internet has all kinds of sites that offer free viewing. Even YouTube has a large selection of freebies you can stream right on their website! 


4. Bottled Water

Thank goodness we live in a country where we can get clean water delivered straight to our homes. All we have to do is turn on the tap. The water at home tastes great to me.

Grocery Bags

5. Garbage Bags

I'm talking about those large garbage bags. They are convenient but I get all kinds of plastic bags from shopping and they hold my garbage just fine. When it gets full I tie it up and just toss it into the big garbage bin outside. Plus I imagine it's easier for the guys who pick up the curbside garbage every week.

6. Eating Out

Eating out can be a nice treat that you can enjoy with the whole family. However eating out can get costly. Especially if I am doing it on a regular basis. Packing my lunch saves me money and my waistline. 

7. Toys

OK, I do spend money on toys but I don't buy new. I can get the same thing at a fraction of the cost at the second hand store and my granddaughter is just as happy with it.

8. Cell Phone

I must be the only person on the planet that does not have a cell phone. I had one once but I found it to be a nuisance. A house phone is enough and it's available to everyone living there. If I want to message or play games, I can do that on my laptop.

9. Professional Hairstylist

When perms were popular, my mom curled it for me. Now that I occasionally want to cover my grey hair I will color it but I buy boxed hair color to do at home.
I've had my hair professionally cut less than five times in  my life. I can't say that any of those experiences were good. I prefer to cut my own hair and get it exactly how I want it.

I also cut my daughters' hair for years. Now that they are all grown up they also do their own hair.

10. Manicure or Pedicure

I have never had a professional manicure or pedicure. I'm sure it is lovely to be pampered like that but my granddaughters love to paint my toes for me and I get so much pleasure from the happiness I see on their face as they spread the polish over my nails and toes.

If I thought about it I'm sure I could add to this list. How about you? Do you have a list of things you don't like to spend your money on?

Darlene Nemeth
I love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day.

Bye for now.
Wishing you the best, 

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

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Saturday, July 23, 2016

Chain Linky Climb

by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo CLIMBweek4pics_zps3uaramqn.jpg

WELCOME to our

It's a month long Networking Blog Hop where Co-hosts & Guest Co-hosts are added each week for ultimate exposure!

means helping each other grow!!
If you want to promote a CLIMB link,
 then use #ChainLinkyCLIMB on Twitter or Google+ so we can help each other grow!

Here's how the Giveaway & Guest Co-hosting works - the hosts, co-hosts & Guest co-hosts from the previous month's CLIMB will have the opportunity to participate in a Giveaway during the next CLIMB - that gives co-hosts 2 months in a row of blog growing fun!!  (If you would like to guest co host please sign up at the end of this post using the last "Linky")

We have 2 permanent co-hosts for week 2, 3 permanent co-hosts for week#3 and eventually we will have 4 permanent co-hosts for week#4 making a grand total of 11 hosts/co-hosts each month & that's not even including Guest Co-hosts!

  Highest CLIMBer Features!!

Each permanent host & co host will feature their favorite link from the previous month CLIMB!  Every "Highest CLIMBer" will be pinned to our Pinterest board:

Chain Linky CLIMB Pinterest board

Let It Shine

My Highest CLIMBer from JUNE 2016 is:


Please enter below -
One person will win:
  • $10 Paypal cash from Eclectic Red Barn
  • Your choice of 2 month small Ad spaces OR 1 month large Spotlighting Ad Space (for Blogs or Online Shops) on Butterfly in the Attic- $30 value
  • 1 Sidebar Ad Space (for Blogs or Online Shops) on God's Growing Garden - $10 value
  • 1 "Petoskey" Stone Necklace - $20 value

 photo CindyJuly16_zps2ole5hvo.jpg
"Petoskey" Stone Necklace

"It is a 30 inch stainless steel made-in-USA bead chain with Lake Michigan Petoskey stone"

by ShorelineDesigned

Total prize value is $70!!

CLIMB Giveaway Rules & Conditions:
  • this is open worldwide (void where prohibited)
  • You must be 18 years or older to enter
  • You MUST have a blog to win the Ad spaces (otherwise these will become second place prizes)
  • You MUST have a valid PayPal account to win the Paypal Cash (otherwise this will become a second place prize)
  • You MUST have a mailing address in the lower 48 states of the USA in order to win the necklace (otherwise these will become a second place prizes)
  • Facebook, google & all other social media are NOT responsible for any part of this giveaway
  • This Giveaway is open from July 1st, 2016 until July 31st, 2016

  • Winner must respond to email within 48 hours or a different winner will be chosen
  • Giveaway Hosts, Cohosts & Guest Cohosts can NOT enter this Giveaway!, however - JULY 2016 CLIMB blog hop co-hosts ARE allowed to enter this Giveaway (provided they are not also part of the Giveaway)
  • Correspondence is done through email and the winner's email addresses will only be used to deliver or set-up e-prizes.  Email addresses will NEVER be sold or shared.
  • All prizes will be delivered by the contributing Bloggers/Shop Owners.
  • If you have any questions or concerns about this Giveaway please email one of the hosts:
  • Angie:
  • Angel:

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Now onto the CLIMB 
(blog hop)

There are many ways to follow us:

April @ April Noelle
blog  |  facebook  |  google+  |  twitter bloglovin  |  YouTube instagram

Darlene @ Let It Shine
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by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbRules_zpsoye4lmso.jpg

By participating in this blog hop your understand that your link might be featured &/or promoted on our blogs & social media.  Also, by participating in this blog hop your email address will be added to our CLIMB list & you will be sent an email reminder next month. 

CLIMB by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbLink_zpsf527c076.jpg

Remember - If you Guest Cohost you will receive a free Weekly Sidebar Ad and your blog button will appear on both Angie's blog & Angel's blog!!

(The Ad will run live a few weeks after you have co-hosted)

We are looking for amazing Bloggers like you to Guest Cohost the CLIMB! 

Please click the purple button below to sign up to Guest Cohost or click HERE!

God’s Growing Garden


by Angie Ouellette-Tower for photo ClimbSigW4_zpsesd5w6ke.jpg


Wednesday, July 20, 2016

Wordless Wednesday - Riverside Park

Park Bridge

Weeping Willow

Park Bench

Trees and Sky

Darlene NemethI love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day.

Bye for now.
Wishing you the best, 

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

Don't forget to subscribe, like and share!

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Green Cleaning with Microfiber

Hi. I'm Darlene and welcome back. It's great to have you here.

Green cleaning is a great way to eliminate toxins from your home, to save money and still get squeaky clean results. 

Microfiber Cloths

As we all know restocking our home with cleaning products can get very costly. You could easily spend a large chunk of your grocery budget and not have much left over for food so eliminating them from you list can mean huge savings.

More importantly by eliminating cleaning products from your home you are protecting your family. The chemicals found in cleaning products can harm skin, eyes, lungs and can be fatal if swallowed.

I never liked using harsh chemicals or spending my money on them so the idea of green cleaning was an easy leap for me.

Microfiber cloths make green cleaning possible.
microfibre cloths
I know. Microfiber is not a secret. But did you realize that you don't have to use chemicals with these cloths but still get your home clean?

Let me explain. For five years I was the Human Resource Manager for a cleaning company. In that time I wrote the Human Resource Manual and the Health and Safety Manual which detailed among other things, training employees how to clean and how to do it in a safe manner.

Microfiber has really changed the cleaning industry. To clean like the pros then you need to use the tools of a pro.

Microfiber cloths are so worth the investment because they are ultra soft, non-abrasive cloths that will not scratch the surfaces you are cleaning. They clean without chemical cleaners and leave shiny surfaces streak free.

The Science Behind Microfiber

  • The most common microfiber is a polyester-nylon blend which is woven or knit into cloth.
  • Cloths described as "microfiber" are made from fibers that are 10–50 times thinner than a human hair. That's smaller than pollen (5–10 microns) or red blood cells (10–30 microns). 
  • Microfiber is roughly the same size as bacteria (1–5 microns). 
  • Microfibers can effectively remove anything bigger than they are so it would be accurate to describe the average microfiber cloth as "antibacterial" or "antimicrobial. In contrast, rayon or cotton fiber is large and round and can’t.
  • Microfiber is considered superior to standard fibers because it can get into cracks and crevices too small for other materials. 
  • Microfiber collects dirt and dust rather than just pushing it around. The microfiber cloths can then be rinsed or washed to remove the embedded particles and reused hundreds of times.

NOTE: Microfiber tools are generally much lighter than their traditional counterparts, they can be considered appropriate for light-duty work when injured employees return from workers’-compensation leave. While a string mop might be eight or 10 pounds when wet, a microfiber flat mop will weigh less than three pounds wet.

Where to Use Microfiber Cloths

  • In The  Kitchen: I use my microfiber throughout the kitchen. I use it on the counter tops, cabinets, floors, stove top and stainless steel appliances. The tiny microfibers do an awesome job.
  • In the Bathroom: You can use a microfiber in the bathroom to easily remove dirt from all surfaces. Don't forget about it's antibacterial abilities!
  • In the Family Room: Wiping down the lamps, tables, television and walls when needed.
  • On Shiny Surfaces: Windows, mirrors, chrome and other shiny surfaces clean up nicely with a regular microfiber cloth, water and a specially designed polishing cloth. You’ll be amazed how easy it is to get a streak free shine! 
  • For Dusting:  Using microfiber to dust is wonderful! The cloth picks up and traps the dust rather than sending it airborne.
  • On the Floors: Cleaning products can leave a residue but microfiber mops only leave behind a clean floor. You can get specially designed microfiber mop heads to wash your floors with water alone. The same microfiber principles apply.
  • In My Car: Detailing my car is so easy now. Using microfiber clothes, I wipe down the dash, steering wheel, windows and upholstery.
  • On Your Body: I don’t use soap when I shower. I use a microfiber cloth. It's great for removing makeup. It leaves my skin feeling smooth and clean.
  • Stain Removal: In the same way  microfiber works to pick up dirt from the surfaces in your home it is wonderful for stain removal. Using only water, I have successfully cleaned upholstery, carpeting and stains from clothing. 
  • For My Glasses: I keep a small cloth in my purse to clean my glasses. No water or cleaning agents needed here.

How to Use Microfiber Cloths

Microfiber is used to make different types of cleaning cloths. I have:
  • a regular microfiber cloth for all purpose cleaning, 
  • a flat woven cloth for windows and shiny surfaces, plus 
  • microfiber mop heads for the floors.

I also like to color code my cloths to prevent cross contamination.
  • Blue: All purpose
  • Yellow: Kitchen
  • Green: Washroom
Now the trick to getting the surface clean is to keep the cloth clean. Simply rinse out your cloth. Don't rinse it in a bucket of water because that defeats the purpose of rinsing.

Or if you don't like the idea of repeatedly rinsing you can have several cloths so once one is dirty grab a clean one. Just fill up a bucket with warm water and put as many cloths in as you think you will need. Once a cloth is dirty toss it into a pile to be laundered and get a clean cloth. 

When cleaning glass, mirrors or any other shiny surfaces I wipe it with a wet cloth and follow up with a dry microfibre cloth specifically designed for glass. I get squeaky clean, lint and streak free windows and mirrors every time. It's better than any window cleaner I've ever tried.

Damp microfibre cloths are also great for dusting. You capture the dust instead of fluffing it around in the air - in your lungs.

Once you have finished cleaning simply toss your cloths and mop heads in the washer following manufacturers instructions.


If you compare the costs of the microfibre items with the cost of standard cleaning products its not hard to see which system will save you the most amount of money but still get your home squeaky clean.

Would you ever consider leaving the cleaning products at the store?

For those of you who want to read a few facts about soap efficiency check out this article at the Atlantic. 

Maybe you would like to understand the science behind soap and detergents check out this article - How Does Soap Work.

Darlene NemethI love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day.

Bye for now.
Wishing you the best, 

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

Don't forget to subscribe, like and share!