
Sunday, March 30, 2014

Crazy Egg Fun

Who knew two dollars could bring so much fun? Okay, you all did. 

We all know there's gonna be crafting items at our local dollar store for each holiday and season. 

And I lucked out. I found these  foam Easter egg kits for two whole dollars. I had to throw it in my cart. Along with some other very useful items.

My granddaughters wanted to get started right away. Stickers are always fun. For me too.

I was expecting the girls to make traditional looking eggs. After all that was what they were provided. But low and behold they came up with these crazy looking eggs.

Their eggs look so silly. I can't help but smile when I look at them.

What's even sillier is the look on Honey Bunny's face as she poses for a picture. 

I didn't get a chance to get a picture of our supplies before the girls got busy creating.

And here is a picture of my granddaughter concentrating on her masterpiece.

Look. An Easter egg face with a flower nose and lopsided eye balls.

And voila. Another egg face. 

I'm thinking about picking up some magnetic tape at the dollar store so I can stick it to the back of the foam eggs. That way I can hang them on the front of the fridge. I'll be able to see them every time I look in it and smile because of the crazy girls that made these crazy eggs.

The girls also decided to write on the backs of a few eggs to give as Easter cards. Great Grandma will love one.


Thank you Tracy for featuring this post on your blog.

If you would like to see the other featured posts, please click HERE.


I am so grateful to have this post featured on Bowdabra Blog's Feature Friday.

If you would like to see the other featured posts, please click HERE.


Well thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed our crazy egg fun. If you did please feel free to share the love or opt to follow along on one of the social media platforms. Those friendly little buttons are on the right side bar.

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Wishing You a Wonderful Week.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Score the Best Deals - 40 Thrift Store Shopping Tips

Please Share the Love

I don't know about you but I love thrift shopping. Even when I don't actually need anything. Wait a minute what does shopping have to do with needing something. Silly me. I can always find something I need.

Do I sound like I could be addicted to shopping? Or could I be a hoarder? Maybe but that's okay. I think most creative people love shopping for their hobbies and they are hoarders to some extent.

But addiction and hoarding is not the topic for today. If you want to read my hoarding post you can check it out HERE. Otherwise lets get back on track.

I'm sure you would love to score the best deals so I will share my 40 thrift store shopping tips.

Thrift Store Shopping Tips

I'm sure many of you are already shopping experts but thrift store shopping is a little different so we have to keep that in mind.
  1. Wear comfy shoes and clothes because the quickest way to make a shopping adventure go bad is sore feet or wearing clothes that make you too hot or leave you too cold.
  2. As with any kind of shopping, a list is a must have. Maybe you are collecting cutlery to match your set and you just need one more fork, you don't want to let a good deal escape just because your memory isn't what it use to be.
  3. Carry a measuring tape with you because you may need to measure an item to be sure it fits the space it is intended to fill. 
  4. Have your family member's measurements with you. The size of an article of clothing may not be accurate anymore due to shrinkage or stretching.
  5. Take a small snack and a bottle of water with you. There's no time to stop and eat. plus you don't want to get dehydrated or faint from starvation.
  6. Bring some baby wipes. They're great for cleaning up your hands after touching lots of dusty dirty items.
  7. If you can, be sure to try your great finds on. It's just a bummer to get it home then have to return it to the store because it doesn't fit or it looks like poop on you. Most thrift stores do have a return policy but it's better to be safe.
  8. If you find something you like put it in your buggy. If you change your mind about it you can always put it back on the shelf. Other wise you just might see it pass by in someone else's cart. 
  9. Which brings me to this next tip. If you really like something buy it. More than likely it won't be at the store tomorrow. I don't know how many times I've regretted leaving something at the store that should have come home with me.
  10. Take cash with you. Most thrift stores use debit but you don't want to get caught at that one particular store that doesn't.
  11. Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to browse the rows and rows of items. Each item on the rack is unique so take your time to check them out.
  12. You should go fairly often because inventory is constantly changing.
  13. Most thrift stores bring out new stock through out the day but others don't. Ask the sales associates when they bring in new items.
  14. You may be able to get a price reduction on an item that is flawed. Some stores take those imperfections into consideration when pricing but others don't so you could end up with a sweeter deal. The worst they can say is no.
  15. Clothing quality inspections:
    1. Inspect clothes for stains that you know you can't get out.
    2. Are there any holes that can't easily be repaired?
    3. Check the seams, crotch, underarms, knees and hems
  16. Shoes quality inspections
    1. Look inside shoes for wear and tare. 
    2. Check the shoes sole - bend it - I found a really nice pair of shoes but the sole was cracked all the way through and could only be seen when I pressed it.
  17. Inspect other items for damage that impairs the integrity of the item. Some things are not worth fixing so check it out thoroughly before you buy it.
  18. Be sure to thoroughly clean your new treasures. I'm sure there is no need for an explanation for this one - except maybe one - head lice. Okay two - crabs. Not just an old wives tale.
  19. Thrift stores depend on donations so keep the type of neighborhood in mind when choosing a store location to frequent. Some areas will have better vintage items and others will have new brand labels.
  20. Don't forget to buy off season. A fantastic winter coat in the summer may be the bargain you find so don't rule it out just because the temperature is high. Same goes for decorations. Just make sure that you don't tuck it away for safe keeping and forget where you put it - or that you actually have it. Done that one too.
  21. If you are a hoarder you can skip this tip. Other wise try to donate one item for every new item you take home. I make this deal with my granddaughters all the time. Yes I will buy that toy but then you have to give one away that you don't play with anymore. It works on keeping their piles down. Unfortunately or should I say fortunately I don't have to follow that rule because I made it up for them not me.  :)
  22. Get to know your thrift stores.
    1. Some stores have better items than others. Just because this particular thrift store doesn't have good clothes doesn't mean that the same store at a different location will have crappy clothes too
    2. The same goes for furniture, houseware etc. I know which stores in my area have the best furniture and which ones are better for clothes or even books. You'll figure it out too.
  23. Seniors make sure to take advantage of the senior discounts when available. If you're not a senior maybe you know one who would like to be your shopping buddy. My Mom and I shop together. Lucky me to have such a great shopping friend.
  24. If you are a vintage or antique enthusiast, a smart phone will save you time and money. It's best to do a little internet research on an item for market value before buying.
  25. Use your imagination to envision items upcycled with a quick coat of paint or a higher hem. A quality item may be worth a little elbow grease.
  26. Sign up for email updates to receive notice of all sales at your favorite thrift stores.
  27. For the most part, today's thrift stores are organized but you will still find items misplaced. Some shoppers put items down in the wrong area. The store employees get busy and don't get a chance to put everything back in order. You may find things in unusual places. Like a child's dress between the men's t-shirts. So if you have the time, browse through all departments.
  28. Keep an eye out for in store signage advertising daily specials or near future sales events.
  29. Don't forget your discount card at home. I did that today. My card was stamped and full. I could have had thirty percent savings but it was in my wallet which was not with me. What a drag. 
  30. Have an idea of what things cost. You wouldn't want to pay close to the same amount for used as you would for new. For example, I've seen dollar store items while thrift shopping for the same cost used as it is brand new.
  31. If saving money is your goal be sure to set a budget for yourself. It's hard to keep the spending down when you see so many good bargains. I'm bad for this one.
  32. Don't forget to get some thrift shopping in when you are travelling. You may find some very unique items to that area.
  33. If you are a frequent shopper you will undoubtedly make friends with the store employees which is nice because it make shopping that much more fun. But it is also nice because they may be willing to keep an eye out for particular items you are looking for.
  34. Check the newspaper for garage sales, church sales and estate sales.
  35. A lot of thrift shoppers arrive super early at yard sales to get their pick. Others will wait until closing time to get their best bargains because some sellers would rather sell or give it away than to pack it back up and take back into the house.
  36. Bring your own bag. Not all stores have buggies so it is quite convenient to have a bag to pop new found items into.
  37. Have patience. One day you might find loads of cool stuff but other days may be a dud. So be patient you'll find what you are looking for - eventually.
  38. Before checking out, we always review the items in our buggy.  We make two piles. One if for definite yes and one is for maybes. Then we take the maybes and take another look. Do we really want that movie? Can live without another black top? Will I actually wear that funky pair of pants? My maybes usually end up back on the rack.
  39. Stores tend to be over stocked once everyone starts spring cleaning. That goes for garage sale season too. People donate whatever doesn't sell.
  40. Don't let small imperfections or flaws stop you. Even the things you buy new aren't in perfect condition for very long so remember imperfect second hand items are just as good.
Holy cow. What a list. I didn't realize it was going to be this long. I was thinking a list of ten or fifteen tips. I got busy didn't I.

Did I miss anything. Do you have a tip you would like to add?

I look forward to reading your comments. Make my day and please leave one. 

Have a wonderful week.


Wait a minute. This blog post has been featured. I am so happy.

This is what Jenny from the Jenny Evolution had to say, "Who doesn’t love to save money? 40 Must-Know Thrift Shopping Tips from Let It Shine."Thanks Jenny!

If you want to see the other features please click HERE.


This post was also featured on Everyday Family Living. This is what Stephanie Kay had to say. "In the last year I’ve gotten into thrift shopping. So far I bought a beautiful rocking chair for $20 and scored big on kids’ clothing. I think in the last year I spent a total of $500 to clothe 5 children!! Let it Shine has 40 Must Know Thrift Shopping Tips to share with you. I would add one more to her list — only take with you the child you are shopping for. Otherwise the child getting nothing becomes bored and whiny. Don’t ask me how I know!"  

Thanks Stephanie for featuring my post! To see more click HERE.


Christina from I Gotta Create wrote this on her blog. "It's that time of week to see what all you wildly original creative folks are to!

There were so many great projects last week. Since I've never featured "great tips" posts, here are a few to check out from last week's party."

Thank you so much Christina for featuring my post. To the other featured posts please click HERE.


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Thursday, March 13, 2014

Come Join the Get Crafty Friday Linky Party

Welcome back to Get Crafty Friday! 

If it’s your first time here, thank you for joining us! 

I hope you will stop by and spend some time checking out the other projects and share what you have been working on this week! 

I hope that you have all had a wonderful week! I've been working on a few sponsored posts and giveaways. I can't wait to start sharing some other posts again! 


This week we have a wonderful guest co-host! Let's welcome Darlene! Please make sure to stop by Darlene's blog and follow her on social media:

Thank you for stopping by, sharing your projects, and visiting the great bloggers that link up here today. 

I hope you all have a happy Friday and a wonderful weekend!


In the Kitchen with Jenny
Congo Squares

Dear Creatives
Salad on a plate with napkin and fork

Washi Tape Clover St Patricks Day Wreath - The Silly Pearl


Make sure to check out these wonderful posts and leave some comments for the bloggers because we all love comments! 

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Monday, March 10, 2014

Starting a New Hobby Can Be Hard

At this point in my life crocheting is my favorite hobby. I can crochet just about any where at any time. Unfortunately my crocheting gear is in storage.

Needless to say, I was feeling a little lost and needed something. So of course I went online - just browsing when I came across some pretty pictures - doodles - tangles - in black and white.

I immediately knew that I found something I would love to do.

All I need is a sketchbook and black markers. A hobby that doesn't take up much space or cost much money. I could get these items at a dollar store. It cost three dollars for the book and one dollar for the marker. 

By Darlene
And off I went expecting to see a gorgeous piece of art like all the inspiration I saw on the internet.
Here is my first attempt - the picture on the left. Quite sad of course.

What was I thinking?

My picture looks like crap and I don't feel a sense of accomplishment or joy - just disappointment and disillusionment.

I like my granddaughters version of this picture so much more. She is so talented. At five years old her art is magnificent.

Here  is my second attempt. Not much better than the first. Definitely lacks the kind of detail needed to be a tangle. 

Perhaps its an okay doddle. Not. I'll have to go back in and add more to it.

Here is Faith's second picture - on the right.

I told her to make lots of circles inside circles and beside other circles and to completely cover the page.

I didn't give her any guidance for color scheme - she did that all on her own. I think it turned out so nice. 

I love her placement of the different sized circles - the colors she choose and where she placed them.

Balanced and interesting.

This is my third attempt. It's a step in the right direction. More details. I like it but don't love it.

My granddaughters aren't overly excited about it either. In that case this is another flop.

It's weird isn't it. How your results on pen and paper are nothing near what you had in your head. Oh well, I'll keep at it.

Take a look at attempt number four.

Oh la la la. We have a winner.

My granddaughters want me to draw one for them to color. My daughter says wow Mom you should sell those on Etsy.

Here comes that sense of accomplishment and joy. Ya hooo!

What's next? Let's do another flower picture and feel good all over again.

Now that's what I'm talking about. I love it. The bubbles (circles) fill the blank places and adds a new element and check out that cute little bumble bee.

Of course there is always room for improvement.

I try something a little different. It's more like a picture than a tangle or doodle - I think. Don't ask me this is all new.

I drew some kind of weird flowers that appear to growing on a vine with a few leaves. The flowers must have attracted the butterfly, bee and snail.

I like it. I like it a lot. Next.

Yep, this is a keeper. I think I have my new hobby. For now anyway. We'll see.

Have you tried something new lately? Something to stimulate those old grey cells and get those creative juices flowing?

Do you expect more from yourself than others? Or are your unrralistic when it comes to you?

I'd love to hear about it.


Well thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. 

And don't forget to stop by my Etsy Shop, Little Shop of Treasures or check out a few other posts.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lengthen the Life of Your Bra and Save

How To Wash Bras +  Helpful Tips To Lengthen the Life of Your Bra

You’ve invested your time and money to find the perfect bras so you want to take care of them properly. I mean what’s the point of going through the steps to find the perfect bra only to throw it in the laundry with a bunch of bulky items and have it distorted the next week.

Before I even get into washing we need to talk about how often we need to wash our bras.

We don’t need to wash it after each use. You don’t actually need to wash your bra until you perspire in it. The mere fact of reducing the amount of washing will expand the life of your bra.

In order to prolong the life of your bra, I am providing you with instructions for washing, drying and storing.

Lengthen the Life of Your Bra and Save

Hand Wash Your Bras

This is the highly recommended method by manufacturers.

  • Fill a sink with lukewarm water. The kitchen sink is a nice size.
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent.
  • Soak your bras for about an hour.
  • Rinse the bras by empting the sink and refilling it with clean fresh water.
  • Pat dry the bras and reshape the cups with your hands.
  • Don't wring out or stretch your bras.
  • Lay the bras flat to dry.

Machine Wash Your Bras

I just couldn't be bothered hand washing anything so this is my highly recommended method.

Here are a few guidelines to consider when machine washing your bras.

  • I suggest that you hook the backs of your bras so they won’t snag and pull the fabric of the other items in the machine.
  • Heavy items like jeans or towels will damage your dedicates. So will zippers and Velcro. I advise sticking to small loads of laundry. Include items like panties, tights, nighties, and other items similar in weight and washing requirements.
  • Place your bras in small mesh laundry bags to prevent your bra straps or band from wrapping around other items in the washer. The laundry bags from the dollar store do the job. Have you ever had to untangle your bras from the other clothes? I have. No fun. Plus it stretches out your bras. Not good.
  • Use a mild detergent and use the delicate cycle. Wash in cold water. I actually wash everything in cold water.
  • When you take your molded cup bras out of the wash, reshape the cups with your hands.
  • NEVER wring out your bras.
  • NEVER put your bras in the dryer because the heat will destroy items with elastic, Spandex, or Lycra.
  • Place your bras on a drying rack. Or flat on top of the washer.

Storing Your Bras

There are several ways to store your bras. Just keep in mind that you want to preserve the shape and avoid stretching the fabric.

Here are a few suggestions.
  • Line your drawers with paper or fabric to avoid bras from snagging.
  • Stack your bras in your drawer ensuring there is enough room to prevent the bra from distorting.
  • Never ever fold your brassiere in half and invert one cup into the other. Molded cups will pucker and bend if inverted or folded.

  • Use a drawer with dividers to keep your bras organized and safe from damage.
  • Hang your bras in the same fashion as in the stores. This is my preferred method.
  • When traveling, stack your molded cup stuffing the cups with light weight material to help retain their shape. Or use a molded Bra Travel Case.

Tips To Make Your Bras Last Longer

I have a few tips for you to extend the life of your bra. I personally use all of them.

  • Buy several bras and rotate them daily. The more you wear the same bra over and over again, the faster it will wear out.
  • Avoid wearing the same bra for 2 days in a row to allow the fabric to regain its shape.
  • When you purchase your bra ensure that it is on the loosest hooks. As time passes and the band gets loose, move to the next set of hooks and so on until you are at the tightest hooks.
  • There is no need to wash your bra after each use. Frequently washed bras do not last very long. You can wear your bra several times before you wash it. You can hold out on washing your bra until you perspire in it.
  • You can rinse your bra in cold water to extend the amount of time between washing. I think the best time to do that is when you are in the shower. You’re in there with running water anyway so why not?

When you find a good bra you want to take good care of it. I hope you found this post helpful.

If you missed my post about bra fitting, you can check it out HERE.

Yepee Horray! This post was top three most clicked on at Crafting Along.

Thank you Maz Kwok for featuring my post.


Well thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed reading this post. 

And don't forget to stop by my Etsy Shop, Little Shop of Treasures or check out a few other posts.

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