
Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Lengthen the Life of Your Bra and Save

How To Wash Bras +  Helpful Tips To Lengthen the Life of Your Bra

You’ve invested your time and money to find the perfect bras so you want to take care of them properly. I mean what’s the point of going through the steps to find the perfect bra only to throw it in the laundry with a bunch of bulky items and have it distorted the next week.

Before I even get into washing we need to talk about how often we need to wash our bras.

We don’t need to wash it after each use. You don’t actually need to wash your bra until you perspire in it. The mere fact of reducing the amount of washing will expand the life of your bra.

In order to prolong the life of your bra, I am providing you with instructions for washing, drying and storing.

Lengthen the Life of Your Bra and Save

Hand Wash Your Bras

This is the highly recommended method by manufacturers.

  • Fill a sink with lukewarm water. The kitchen sink is a nice size.
  • Add a small amount of mild detergent.
  • Soak your bras for about an hour.
  • Rinse the bras by empting the sink and refilling it with clean fresh water.
  • Pat dry the bras and reshape the cups with your hands.
  • Don't wring out or stretch your bras.
  • Lay the bras flat to dry.

Machine Wash Your Bras

I just couldn't be bothered hand washing anything so this is my highly recommended method.

Here are a few guidelines to consider when machine washing your bras.

  • I suggest that you hook the backs of your bras so they won’t snag and pull the fabric of the other items in the machine.
  • Heavy items like jeans or towels will damage your dedicates. So will zippers and Velcro. I advise sticking to small loads of laundry. Include items like panties, tights, nighties, and other items similar in weight and washing requirements.
  • Place your bras in small mesh laundry bags to prevent your bra straps or band from wrapping around other items in the washer. The laundry bags from the dollar store do the job. Have you ever had to untangle your bras from the other clothes? I have. No fun. Plus it stretches out your bras. Not good.
  • Use a mild detergent and use the delicate cycle. Wash in cold water. I actually wash everything in cold water.
  • When you take your molded cup bras out of the wash, reshape the cups with your hands.
  • NEVER wring out your bras.
  • NEVER put your bras in the dryer because the heat will destroy items with elastic, Spandex, or Lycra.
  • Place your bras on a drying rack. Or flat on top of the washer.

Storing Your Bras

There are several ways to store your bras. Just keep in mind that you want to preserve the shape and avoid stretching the fabric.

Here are a few suggestions.
  • Line your drawers with paper or fabric to avoid bras from snagging.
  • Stack your bras in your drawer ensuring there is enough room to prevent the bra from distorting.
  • Never ever fold your brassiere in half and invert one cup into the other. Molded cups will pucker and bend if inverted or folded.

  • Use a drawer with dividers to keep your bras organized and safe from damage.
  • Hang your bras in the same fashion as in the stores. This is my preferred method.
  • When traveling, stack your molded cup stuffing the cups with light weight material to help retain their shape. Or use a molded Bra Travel Case.

Tips To Make Your Bras Last Longer

I have a few tips for you to extend the life of your bra. I personally use all of them.

  • Buy several bras and rotate them daily. The more you wear the same bra over and over again, the faster it will wear out.
  • Avoid wearing the same bra for 2 days in a row to allow the fabric to regain its shape.
  • When you purchase your bra ensure that it is on the loosest hooks. As time passes and the band gets loose, move to the next set of hooks and so on until you are at the tightest hooks.
  • There is no need to wash your bra after each use. Frequently washed bras do not last very long. You can wear your bra several times before you wash it. You can hold out on washing your bra until you perspire in it.
  • You can rinse your bra in cold water to extend the amount of time between washing. I think the best time to do that is when you are in the shower. You’re in there with running water anyway so why not?

When you find a good bra you want to take good care of it. I hope you found this post helpful.

If you missed my post about bra fitting, you can check it out HERE.

Yepee Horray! This post was top three most clicked on at Crafting Along.

Thank you Maz Kwok for featuring my post.


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  1. I loved this! Thank you so so so much!

    1. I'm glad you enjoyed the post. And thanks so much for letting me know. :)

  2. Good Afternoon Darlene, There is a wealth of information which you have shared with us about looking after our bra's. I wish I had this information when I was much younger, because I lost many a bra by washing it the wrong way. I think the the idea, putting the bra into a net bag is invaluable.
    I have enjoyed my visit and I have become a new follower. I tried to follow you via Google+ but I had a problem with that, so I have signed up for Google Connect, to make sure I do not miss one of your posts.
    Best Wishes

    1. You and me both. I don't know how many bras I ruined. I thought there was something with the bras but now I know better.

  3. Great tips, Darlene! Thank you so much!!!

    xoxo laurie

  4. Great tips, Darlene! Thank you so much for sharing them!!

    xoxo laurie

  5. There are some wonderful tips here!! Thanks so much for sharing them with us! With the price of a bra you would think we would take better care of them:) Lynn @ Turnips 2 Tangerines

    1. You know, it never occurred to me that there was a right way to take care of them. I just threw them in with whatever was left at the bottom of the laundry pile. Until someone explains something to you it's all foreign.

  6. Hi Darlene,

    Found your blog via Krafty Cards etc. I buy good quality bras, and don't really mind the expense, because in the end, if I take care of them, they cost very little money per day to wear.
    Great tips, thanks!


    1. Hi Val, Sorry it took me so long to reply. I've been a little slow lately. But I do have a good excuse. Someday I'll share that excuse but for now, my apologies.

      I don't mind the expense either. A good bra is so worth it.

  7. Found this via Craft Frenzy Friday. Big girls need to have good bras and, like you, I can't be bothered with hand washing all the time. I never dry though. Thanks for all the tips!

    1. Hi Rachael. All women need a good bra but it seems so much more important for big girls. There is a difference between the "girls" sitting above or below your elbow. LOL

  8. You have the most excellent bra tips! You must be like me and be persnickety about those brassieres! :D That's a good thing!

    1. LOL. That word - persnickety - makes me laugh! Thanks so much for stopping by.

  9. I love all the tips for taking care of your bras! Thanks for sharing this with us at the Four Seasons Blog Hop.
    I will share this!!

    1. Hi Betty, thanks for the share. I'm so happy you liked the post and you found it helpful.

  10. These are some great tips. Bra's are expensive, even on sale. So you have to take care of them. My washer has a gentle cycle. So I use that, but have alway hung them up to dry never even thinking about it. Now I will start laying them flat.

    1. Bras can be very expensive and we want to take care of them so that they fit properly and comfortably for as long as possible. I can't stand wearing a stretched out bra with the under wires poking me.

  11. Great tips! Thanks for sharing at Whatever Wednesday on Thank You Honey! Hope you have a fabulous week!

  12. Hi Sarah. Glad you like the tips. And thanks for the party.

  13. Thank you for sharing your useful tip at CAL link party :)
