Make Your Own Plarn: Plastic Yarn from Shopping Bags and 6 Crochet Projects

Hi, You Crafty People, welcome to our little blog. Come with me. I want to share something with you. Have you ever heard of Plarn? The first time I heard about it was a few weeks ago and I would like to now share my new found knowledge with you. Plarn is short for plastic yarn. You don't have to buy it. You need to make it. Now let's take a look and imagine the possibilities with this cute project. Making Plarn Cutting The Plastic Bags This part of the tutorial will show you the first step in converting ordinary plastic bags into plarn . What a weird word. Tie the Strips Together The result is short plastic loops that are joined together into one long continuous strip for crocheting, knitting, or weaving. Plarn Projects . Are you thinking about making some plarn? Is your mind spinning with the possibilities? If you would like to receive our blog updates please subscribe via email or follow us ...