Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe

Hi there fellow Rhubarb lovers. Welcome to my little blog. Today I want to share a Simple Rhubarb Pie Recipe with you. Ten years ago, I was gifted a teeny tiny rhubarb sprout. I planted it in my backyard and it flourished. Over the years, I found teeny tiny rhubarb plants. My plant had babies which I gifted to friends so they could grow their own. This is our second time to trim back the rhubarb plant this year. We didn't want the stalks to go to waste this time so we decided to make a pie. I know, all these years and we have never made anything with it. Weird right. Simple Rhubarb Pie Before we could even start the pie we had to harvest a few stalks of rhubarb. I enlisted the help of two very eager little five year olds. Of course that meant playtime. The huge leaves were used as umbrellas and fans. Smaller leaves were hats and plates for mud pies. I was too slow at getting my camera out. Darn it. I handed the...