
Wednesday, October 23, 2013

15 Safety Tips to Keep Them Safe on Halloween

Halloween can be so much fun but it can also be so dangerous.  As parents, grandparents and guardians we need to keep our kids safe.

A few years ago a child in our neighborhood was crossing the road when she was struck by a car. She passed away that night.

I didn't get the details of the accident. But her candy was strewn across the road for days.

Such a tragedy. I mean there are no words.

When something like this happens so close to home it really freaks you out. You want to hold your sweetie tight and never let them go.

Here's a quick list of Halloween Safety Tips to refresh your memory.

Halloween Safety Tips

Gouls, Goblins and Everything In Between

  1. You should wear makeup instead of a mask so you to see everything around you while you walk house to house. 
  2. Wear reflective clothing or glow sticks - something that will allow you to be easily seen in the dark. 
  3. Make sure your costume doesn't drag on the ground to avoid tripping on it. 
  4. Wear comfortable, properly fitting shoes, even if they don’t go with your costume. You don't want you feet to hurt before you are done getting all those goodies. Plus shoes that fit properly will help prevent slips, trips and falls. 
  5. It is safer to carry flexible props. No one wants to be impaled on Halloween by a magic wand, sword or any other Halloween prop. 
  6. Wear a watch you can read in the dark so you can get home on time. You don't want to freak your parents out with worry. 
  7. Carry a flashlight so you can see where you are going. Again, you are trying to avoid a slip, trip or fall. 
  8. Walk, don’t run. 
  9. Stay in familiar neighborhoods where you may know your neighbors. 
  10. Stay on the sidewalk but if there is no sidewalk, walk on the left side of the road facing traffic. 
  11. Obey traffic signals and give vehicles the right of way. 
  12. Only go to houses that have the outside lights turned on - they are the ones that have the candy. 
  13. Stay away from pets you don’t know. Some pets will bite. 
  14. If you aren't trick-or-treating with an adult then travel in groups because there is safety in numbers. 
  15. Never enter a stranger’s home or car for a treat. Enough said.

Guardian Angels

  1. Ensure your goblin eats dinner before going out trick-or-treating. They may be less tempted to dig into their treats. 
  2. Discuss with your children what they should do in case of emergency. 
  3. Ideally, young children of any age should be accompanied by an adult. 
  4. If your children does go out on their own, be sure they 
    • wear a watch, preferably one that can be read in the dark with a set time to be home. 
    • have a cell phone in case of emergency 
    • stay with a group of friends . . . 
  5. If you buy a costume, look for one made of flame retardant material. 
  6. Although tampering is rare, tell children to bring the candy home to be inspected before eating anything. Look at the wrapping carefully and throw out anything that looks suspicious. 
  7. Make sure your yard is clear of tripping hazards such things as ladders, hoses . . . 
  8. Put you pets inside to protect them from cars and to protect a trick-or-treater from being bite. 
  9. Safe alternatives to candles in your Jack-O-Lantern include battery powered lights or even creepy coloured glow sticks. 
  10. Please refrain from handing out treats that contain peanuts or peanut butter because many children are allergic.


Well, thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed this post. If you did please feel free to share the love.

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Hold On One Minute

This post has been featured.

I am honored to have my post featured at Joyful Homemaking

This is what it says under my post picture, "My neighborhood is mobbed on Halloween, and I wish everyone would be mindful of these tips!"
To check out the other featured posts please click HERE.

Wow. Thank you, thank you, thank you to Maz and everyone who read my post. My post was one of the five most clicked bog posts! You made my day.

Special thanks to the Royal Canadian Mountain Police, Red Cross and Ottawa Police Department.


  1. OMG, that's terrible about the child being hit :( I hate hearing things like this (it's just horrible). These tips are wonderful though, and everyone should read this :o) Thanks so much for sharing! Hope you're having a great week :o)

    1. I know it is horrible. I hate hearing about things like this too that's why I avoid watching the news. I guess I was trying to emphasize the importance of safety on Halloween.

  2. Great tips! I really like using makeup instead of a mask. Kids just can't see through little eye holes!

  3. Make up is way better than masks. Although I did see some cool masks that only cover the face from the nose down. I did't try it on. I wonder if it is difficult to breath in there.

  4. As a parent educator, I am so happy that you're sharing this list of tips to help keep Halloween safe! Thanks for sharing at Inspire Us Thursday on Organized 31.

    1. Hi Susan, glad to see you again. I felt compelled to write this post because it isn't the ghouls and goblins that scare me.

  5. Hi Darlene! Great tips! It's so sad and tragic what happened in your neighborhood. I can't imagine the parent's grief. I came across your blog at the "100+ Halloween Ideas" Blog Hop (Pursuit of Functional Home). I'm so glad I did. I'm following you now via Bloglovin'. Please follow me back. Have a great and safe Halloween!


  6. Thank you so much for linking up at All Things Pretty. I hope to see you again tomorrow at @

  7. Darlene, this is a terrific list for safety and fun for the entire family. I appreciate all the hard work you put into this post and featured it on my fb page. Thank you for linking up at Wonderful Wed. Blog Hop and please bring another wonderful post next week too. Carrie, A Mother's Shadow

  8. Great list. I think we all need to be a little more prepared and careful on Halloween. Thanks!!

    1. You're right Elizabeth. We as a community are responsible for the safety of the little trick or treaters out on Halloween.

  9. You're so good at life hack tips! Thanks so much for sharing these with us at CAL link party :)

  10. This is a fantastic post!! - I shared this on google+. Thank you for networking with us on the CLIMB!
    PS - I just sent you an email about cohosting in November - Thank you

  11. Thanks for sharing these great tips!
    I hope you have a nice weekend Darlene.
