35 Fun Old Sweater Projects

Hi, how wonderful of you to stop by to pay me a visit. I hope you enjoy this post. Sit back and sip your coffee while you check out these 35 Fun Old Sweater Projects. I choose them with you in mind - things I thought you might appreciate. Enjoy. Here we go. :) Alicia at Thrifty And Chic shared this quick and easy project. She covered her lampshade with an old sweater. All you need is a sweater, scissors and hot glue! Click HERE to see the tutorial. Infarrantly Creative shared a post about making Boot Socks from old sweaters. Great project for this time of year. Click HERE to see the tutorial. Kelly at Imperfect Home Making whipped up these gorgeous stockings from her old sweaters. I love how she positioned the buttons down the front. Click HERE to see the tutorial. Add caption Liz at Love Grows Wild made these cozy pillows from Goodwill sweaters and old pillow forms she had around t...