10 Signs That Your Bra Doesn't Fit You Proper - Fitting Tips

Please Share the Love When was the last time you had a proper bra fitting? Do you know why it's important? I was completely in the dark when it came to bra fitting until a few years ago when I took a part time job in a clothing store specializing in women's fashion - as if working full time as HR Manager and full time Mom wasn't enough. Anyway, I took a course on bra fitting. I always believed that a good fitting bra was important for comfort and look but I didn't know there was a way to find that perfect fit other than trial and error. I mean, I had a vague idea what to look for. But holy cow there are actual guidelines you can follow. For instance, my Mom always had huge red groves in her shoulders from her bra straps. I thought that was normal so when my shoulders showed signs of groves I would try moving my straps a little to the left or right to avoid them. That is until I learned different. I thought a bit of discomfort was...