Make the Perfect Cut Off Shorts in Minutes

Please Share the Love Honey Bunny loves to crawl around pretending to be a horse or dog and this tends to put holes in her pants right at the knee. I know there are all kinds of cute ways to patch holes but we don’t need pants right now. We need shorts for all this wonderful summer weather we are having. Making cut off shorts can be a little tricky. Have you seen failed attempts? I have. The back is shorter than the front or the two sides are not the same. Or maybe they are way too short because someone kept trying to make them even. I’ve made all those mistakes then I figured out this sure fire way to make the perfect pair of cut off shorts that works every time. What You’ll Need Scissors Pants you want to make into cut offs. A pair of shorts approximately your size to use as a guideline. Instructions Start by placing your jeans on a flat surface. Make sure the jeans are completely flat without creases. Plac...