110 Random Acts of Kindness

I have 110 Random Acts of Kindness for you today. Why 110? Well it was going to 100 but then I thought off ten more and I couldn't leave them out. "Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again." Og Mandino Inspirational Author 110 Random Acts of Kindness Smile . It is contagious. I try to remember to do this as much as possible. Be kind to cashiers. Customers are more likely to take their frustrations out on the cashier. You would be amazed how grateful a cashier is when you are patient and kind. Say thank you, mean it and look the recipient in the eye when you say it. If you can, give the reason you are thankful. Out of the blue, give a genuine compliment to someone. I use to think things like, I like her hair, or her shoes are cool - now I don't keep it to myself - I share it...