
Sunday, September 28, 2014

110 Random Acts of Kindness

I have 110 Random Acts of Kindness for you today. Why 110? Well it was going to 100 but then I thought off ten more and I couldn't leave them out.

"Beginning today, treat everyone you meet as if they were going to be dead by midnight. Extend them all the care, kindness and understanding you can muster. Your life will never be the same again."

Og Mandino
Inspirational Author

110 Random Acts of Kindness

  1. Smile. It is contagious. I try to remember to do this as much as possible. 
  2. Be kind to cashiers. Customers are more likely to take their frustrations out on the cashier. You would be amazed how grateful a cashier is when you are patient and kind. 
  3. Say thank you, mean it and look the recipient in the eye when you say it. If you can, give the reason you are thankful. 
  4. Out of the blue, give a genuine compliment to someone. I use to think things like, I like her hair, or her shoes are cool - now I don't keep it to myself - I share it. 
  5. When thinning out your wardrobe, give some clothes to a friend or donate to charitable organizations like the Salvation Army. I always do this one.
  6. When you no longer want items in your home, offer them on Freecycle. Someone will respond to your ad then go to your home and pick it up. I love Freecycle. I have given away some very saught after items like bunkbeds, children's clothing, and lamps. On the other hand I received a very nice refrigerator for my friend who was in desparate need for one.
  7. Offer to help someone. Sometimes your offer is all that is needed to make someone feel good.
  8. Pay for the order in the car behind you in the drive through. This happened a few times to a friend and she has now started doing the same.
  9. Send out birthday cards and Christmas cards. It's always fun to receive unexpected snail mail.
  10. Send out thank you notes.
  11. Put a bookmark in a library book that has an inspirational quote on it or something fun for the kids.
  12. Tip generously. 
  13. Say hi to strangers instead of awkwardly passing them on the street.
  14. Pick up the tab - Go up to the waiter and pay when no one is watching.
  15. Avoid gossip - No need to spread any negativity.
  16. Give the painter, electrician, or handyman a glass of cold water or warm cup of coffee/tea.
  17. Be understanding - Assume the best in others. If someone is running late or has called in sick don’t assume they’re trying to get out of something.
  18. When you are shopping, pick up a non perishable item to toss into the store's food bank bin.
  19. Help someone whose car has broken down.
  20. Help clean up your neighborhood by picking up garbage.
  21. When your neighbors are going away for a while, offer to watch over their house and collect their mail.
  22. When a store has a donation drive and the cashier asks if you would like to donate a dollar to ..... say yes.
  23. When drivers try to merge into your lane, let them in with a wave and a smile.
  24. Visit a sick friend.
  25. Offer to babysit for friends and family.
  26. When parting from a loved one, always say "I love you." It may be the last thing you ever say to them. My family does this - even when we are angry with each other. No regrets.
  27. Randomly grab your kids, hug and kiss them. I do this all the time with my granddaughters. 
  28. When you pay someone back money, give more than you borrowed to show your appreciation.
  29. Send a care package to someone who is sick.
  30. Mow your neighbors lawn.
  31. Shovel your neighbors sidewalk and drive-way.
  32. Write a thank-you note to a mentor or someone who has influenced your life in a positive way.
  33. Give blood.
  34. Be an organ donor.
  35. Donate your hair.
  36. Surprise your parents by cleaning the house when they are out. 
  37. Put a sweet note in your child's lunch bag.
  38. Volunteer. There are so many volunteer opportunities out there that you can find something that interests you and fits into your schedule.
  39. Hold the door open for someone.
  40. Let someone know they have toilet paper stuck to their shoe or their skirt is stuck in the top of their pantyhose or wore your shirt inside out. Has one of these happened to you? Sadly my shirt was inside out for most of the day at work. The general manager was kind enough to let me know.
  41. Spend time with your parents and tell them how much you love them and appreciate them. 
  42. Lend a good book or movie to a friend.
  43. If you find something that is not yours, return it to the rightful owner.
  44. Offer someone to go ahead of you in the check out line. I've done this. The person behind me only had a few items but my cart was overflowing so I let them go first.
  45. Offer your seat on the bus or train to someone who might need it more than you.
  46. Pay for a strangers meal at a restaurant. This actually happened to me when I was out with my three daughters and three grand daughters. It was a very pleasant surprise for sure.
  47. Drop off stuffed animals at the children’s hospital or magazines for patients to read.
  48. Offer some perennials to a neighbor. I did this last summer. She was very happy and planted them right away.
  49. Put a coin in an expired meter.
  50. Apologize when you accidently bump into someone. I like this one. I don't how many times I've been given a dirty look for bumping into someone. I apologize and smile.
  51. Give a glowing recommendation.
  52. Slip a $20 bill into the pocket of a person who you know is having financial difficulty.
  53. Bring some baked goods to work to share with your coworkers. My coworkers are really good for this. There is always something yummy available in the lunch room.
  54. For one week, act on every single thought of generosity that arises spontaneously in your heart, and notice what happens as a consequence.
  55. Give someone fresh produce from your garden. Most people grow more than they can eat.
  56. Help someone move.
  57. Offer a piece of gum.
  58. Make a positive comment on a blog.
  59. Make someone laugh who looks like they really need one.
  60. Share a positive blog post.
  61. Make a wish come true.
  62. Donate a percentage of your tax return.
  63. Help other shoppers - reach items, or find items
  64. Help change a tire.
  65. Collect coats to donate.
  66. Give a bottle of cold water or warm cup of coffee (cream and sugar on the side) to a bus driver.
  67. Donate your hair.
  68. Knit or crochet for a cause.
  69. Take someone new under your wing.
  70. Make a care package for someone you know is going through a rough patch.
  71. If you are baking, make a second batch to give to a neighbor.
  72. If you have nothing else to offer, offer your support.
  73. Buy someone a treat when you are at the store.
  74. If you see someone drop something, stop and help them pick it up.
  75. Sponsor a child's sport team.
  76. You don't always have to win (a fight or game). Sometimes the other person's feelings are more important than being right.
  77. Sponsor a child.
  78. Put change into a vending machine.
  79. Leave a gift for a friend or neighbor on their porch.
  80. Be a designated driver.
  81. Stay after a party and help clean up.
  82. Wave to your neighbors while walking or driving by.
  83. Be a big brother or sister.
  84. Say please and thank you.
  85. Host a toy drive.
  86. Set up a fundraiser for someone in need.
  87. Offer a shoulder to cry on.
  88. Be a good listener.
  89. When no one is looking, secretly drop loose change in the grass at a park and watch the children run around happily picking it up.
  90. Donate books to the local community center. Children in our community go to the center on their birthday and receive a book.
  91. Send flowers to someone just because.
  92. Treat a friend to a movie.
  93. Like someone's facebook page.
  94. Offer blogger advice when you see someone needs help.
  95. Buy items from your neighborhood children when they are fundraising.
  96. Pick a child from the wish tree to purchase a Christmas gift.
  97. Drop off a home warming gift to someone who has just moved in next door.
  98. Give away your unused tickets at the carnival.
  99. Praise children when you see them doing something nice.
  100. Be a good listener - pay attention when someone is speaking to you.
  101. Give a gift to a friend or family member just to say I was thinking about you.
  102. Let someone vent - to get it all out without interrupting or judging.
  103. Ask the person next to you how their day is going and be sincere.
  104. Tell the cashier to have a nice day before she/he has a chance to say it to you first. Say it with a smile.
  105. Share a funny joke.
  106. Stick up for someone who you know will not stick up for themselves.
  107. If you're angry, don't have an outburst. Keep calm. It is better to say nothing at all than to hurt someone's feelings out of anger. Once it is said, you can't take it back.
  108. Prepare or pick up a meal for a new mom, someone who is grieving, or someone who is sick. 
  109. Donate old eyeglasses to an organization that recycles them for people in need.
  110. Donate a tweet at:

It is important to remember that each and every person you meet is a daughter or son, a brother or sister, a mother or father, an aunt or uncle, or grandparent. They are precious, loved and irreplaceable. They deserve our patience and kindness.

What would you add to this list?

I am so honored to have my post featured at Pieced Pastimes. Thank you Suzanne.

Suzanne had this to say, "110 Random Acts of Kindness at Darlene Nemeth. In a world full of troubles, simple kindness is always welcome. Darlene has come up with a list of 110 Random Acts of Kindness that are sure to brighten someones day."

Thanks again Suzanne. 

If you would like to see the other featured posts please click HERE.


Thank you to the ladies of Creative Style Link Up Party for choosing my post as one of your favorites.


Well thanks for stopping by. I hope my tips are helpful. If you like this post please feel free to share the love or opt to follow along on one of the social media platforms. Those friendly little buttons are on the right side bar.

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I love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day a little bit brighter. 

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

Wishing You a Wonderful Week.

Monday, September 22, 2014

Is Your Blog Mobile Friendly?

If you're like me, you're always wondering if your blog is set up to be reader friendly, easy to navigate and well pretty. You change the colours, the template, the share buttons. And you judge your choices by examining it on the device you worked it all out on.

And if you're like me, you have been mindlessly oblivous to your blog's appearance on other devises and more or less content with the way your blog is set up.

Then I read an article by .

Is Your Blog Mobile Friendly?

Awww! What do you mean I may be losing up to 50% of my traffic? Is my blog mobile friendly?

Apparently more people are accessing the internet on some sort of mobile device than ever before and that number will continue to rise. So you better be sure your blog is user friendly on mobile devices.

How can you tell if your blog is set up properly? Greg explains it all in his article. That is if you're using wordpress. If you are interested click HERE to read the whole article.

For those who use blogger follow these simple steps.

Sign into your Blogger account and go to TEMPLATE.

This is the window that opens. Click on the star below the Mobile screen shot.

Blogger Setting for Moble Friendly Posts

This is the new window to open. Easy so far isn’t it. 

Do you see that spot where you are given a choice? You want to click on Yes, Show mobile template on mobile devices.

Now just click on the preview button.

Blogger Setting for Moble Friendly Posts

Ta Da! There you go. Check it out. I think mine looks pretty good.

Blogger Setting for Moble Friendly Posts

Phew! What a relief. I almost had an anxiety attack thinking no one can read my blog on their cell phones. I'm safe. But to be sure I will have to check it out on someone's phone.

Oh, oh. That’s great, my blog posts can be read easily but if someone wants to share on twitter, pinterest or facebook... they won’t be able to.

If I want sharing, (if right eh?) then I should add a pop up window. But I'll take care of that later.

Hope you come back to see detailed instructions on how to add a pop up window on Blogger.

Til then, best wishes, Darlene

Well thanks for stopping by. I hope my tips are helpful. If you like this post please feel free to share the love or opt to follow along on one of the social media platforms. Those friendly little buttons are on the right side bar.

Post a Comment
I love to read your opinions and comments. It makes my day a little bit brighter. 

My apologies, all anonymous comments are deleted due to an excessive amount of spam.

Wishing You a Wonderful Week.

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Halloween - A Free Coloring Page

Please Share the Love
In the middle of March 2014 I shared with you, the benefits of having a hobby. At the same time I shared my newest hobby. You can check it out HERE.

Since then I've been busy drawing and colouring. I finally have the courage to post my newest creations at my Etsy Shop and give you a free coloring page. 

First a sample from my shop.

Colouring Fun For all Ages

And now as promised is a free coloring page for Halloween.

I created this fun little coloring page in time for Halloween/Fall. 

Feel free to take a copy for yourself or for a friend. Color it any way you wish. And most importantly - have fun. 

Free Coloring Page

I hope you stop by and check out my other coloring pages. Maybe fav a few? :)

Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your time with me. 

Bye for now. 

Wishing you the best, Darlene


I've been featured! 

"Congrats - you've been featured at Inspire Me Monday at Create With Joy!"

"How many of you enjoy coloring in your spare time? It’s okay to raise your hand, even if you’re an adult –
Coloring is a wonderful way to relieve stress and relax your mind!

"If you’re looking for some beautiful, intricate images to decorate,Look no further than Darlene’s beautiful blog! This week she is offering a gorgeous pumpkin for your pleasure!"

This post has been featured at

"Happy Friday! This week we are sharing our favorite Thanksgiving Crafts for Kids that they can make and do by themselves and and with family. Some of these ideas would be fun to do for the actual big day of celebration. Check out the list and plan some of these fun and tasty projects."

If you like this coloring page you may like my mandala coloring book. It is available to purchase at my Etsy Shop.

Here is a little slide show of the different pages included.

Flower Coloring Book
  • Includes 25 fanciful full-page Mandalas plus one bonus page 
  • Features a variety of flower motifs and other fun-to-color patterns. 
  • Provides endless opportunity for experimentation with color and techniques. 
  • Images are beautiful and easy to follow 
  • Color with marker, pen, pencil crayons or even crayons. 
  • A wonderful way to De-Stress and Self-Express 
  • Hours of imaginative coloring 
  • Print one-sided pages 
  • Print as many times as you like 
  • Perfect for older children and adults 
  • Age Range: 7 and up 
  • Grade Level: 2 and up 
  • Makes a great gift!

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Candy Apple Red Crocheted Blanket Pattern

Please Share the Love

Aww, another crocheted blanket.

But this one was a special request from my daughter Nicole who wanted a bright red1 blanket. Her colour choice surprised me. Purple is her fav not red. 

She loves to wind down at the end of the day and enjoy some solitude. Once her rumbustious little girl is in bed for the night Nicole can cuddled up with her blanket and watch a “grown up” show on the television.

This blanket was quick and easy. A beginner could definitely make one of these and in their favorite colour.

Once you get into the swing of it, crocheting the basic granny square can be completed quite fast. Plus the bigger the squares, the less joins which means less time finishing. 

Hope you enjoy. Give it a try.

Candy Apple Granny Square Blanket

Candy Apple Red Crocheted Blanket Pattern 

You will need:
5mm Crochet Hook
5 Super Saver Cherry Red Yarn

You will make:
20 Basic Granny Squares

See below for links to Amazon to purchase the supplies needed to make your very own red granny square blanket. If you decide to purchase I will be I will receive a small monetary compensation. 

I love the multi-colored aluminum crochet needles - they feel smooth in your hands and the colors are so pretty.

Basic Granny Square Pattern

Ch 5. Join with ss to form a ring.

1st Round: Ch 3 (counts a 1 dc). 2dc in ring. *Ch 1. 3dc in ring. Repeat from *twice more. Ch 3. Ss in top of ch 3.

2nd Round: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1). *Ch 1. (3dc. Ch 1 3dc) in next ch 1 space  for corner. Ch 1. Repeat from * twice more, (3 dc. Ch . 2 dc) in last ch 1 space. Ss in 3rd ch of ch 4.

3rd Round: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc). 2 dc in ch 1 space. Repeat from * twice more. Ch 1. (3 dc. Ch 1.  3 dc) in last ch 2 space for corner Ch 1. Ss in top of ch 3.

4th Round: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1) 3dc in next ch 1 space. *Ch1. (3dc. Ch2. 3dc) in next ch 2 space for corner. (Ch1, 3 dc in next ch1 space to next corner. Repeat from * twice more. Ch 1 (3 dc. Ch 2. 3 dc) in next ch 2 space for corner. Ch 1. 2dc in last ch1 space. Ss in 3rd ch of ch 4.

5th Round: ch 3 (counts as  1 dc). 1 dc in back lp  to ch 2 space for corner. 1 dc ch 1 dc ch 1 dc in corner. Dc to next corner. Repeat from * all the way around granny square. Ss in top of ch 3. Fasten off.

Rounds 6 – 8: Repeat Round 5.

Granny Square Layout for Blanket


If I have any loose ends this is when I weave them into the back of the blanket.

So what do you think? How did it turn out? My daughter was excited and loves it.

Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your time with me. 

If you did, please feel free to share the love or opt to follow along on one of the social media platforms. Those friendly little buttons are on the right side bar. Bye for now. Wishing you the best, Darlene

Candy Apple Red Crocheted Blanket Pattern


Hold on One Minute

Awesome Things Tuesday
Thank you Amanda Corbet from Krafting Kreations for choosing this project to be featured at Awesome Things Tuesday.

If you would like to see the other features please click HERE.


Thank you Sara for selecting my red blanket to be featured at your party. 

Sara said, "Fall is here, and the weather is changing. The morning air was a little bit chilly even in Florida. This Granny Square Blanket from Darlene Nemeth is the perfect blanket to start for the cooler weather. Looks quick and easy to make. I haven't tried granny squares yet, and this looks like a good beginner pattern. Thanks for sharing! Congratulations to the featured blogs!"

To see the other featured blog please click HERE.


Thank you Rachael for featuring my blanket on your blog.

Rachael said this, "Isn't this Candy Apple Blanket by Darlene so cozy? I love the bright red."

Check out The Philosopher's Wife blog HERE.


Sunday, September 7, 2014

Made With Love: Blankey for Baby

Please Share the Love

I haven’t been posting very much this last few months but I’ve still been busy.

I spent most of my time with Honey Bunny and my Mom. (Bunny is six now. And my Mom turns 71 at the end of September. Wow.) We didn’t do anything overly exciting this summer but simply enjoyed one another’s company.

I also kept busy crocheting, drawing and working on a couple of writing projects. All of which I will be sharing over the next few weeks with you on my blog and in my Etsy Shop. It’s kinda scary for me but exciting at the same time.

Right now I’d like to share this blue checkered granny square blanket that I crocheted with my grandson in mind. He’s just a couple of months old right now so he’ll be able to enjoy it for quite some time.

Blue Checkered Granny Square Blanket

You will need:
  • 5mm Crochet Hook
  • 1 Super Saver Dark Blue Yarn (approximately 454 g for each color)
  • 2 Super Saver Varieted Blue Yarn

You will make:
  • 18 Dark Blue Basic Granny Squares.
  • 17 Varieted Blue Basic Granny Squares.

Basic Granny Square Pattern

Ch 5. Join with ss to form a ring.

1st Round: Ch 3 (counts a 1 dc). 2dc in ring. *Ch 1. 3dc in ring. Repeat from *twice more. Ch 3. Ss in top of ch 3.

2nd Round: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1). *Ch 1. (3dc. Ch 1 3dc) in neck ch 1 space  for corner. Ch 1. Repeat from * twice more, (3 dc. Ch . 2 dc) in last ch 1 space. Ss in 3rd ch of ch 4.

3rd Round: Ch 3 (counts as 1 dc). 2 dc in ch 1 space. Repeat from * twice more. Ch 1. (3 dc. Ch 1.  3 dc) in last ch 2 space for corner Ch 1. Ss in top of ch 3.

4th Round: Ch 4 (counts as 1 dc and ch 1) 3dc in next ch 1 space. *Ch1. (3dc. Ch2. 3dc) in next ch 2 space for corner. (Ch1, 3 dc in next ch1 space to next corner. Repeat from * twice more. Ch 1 (3 dc. Ch 2. 3 dc) in next ch 2 space for corner. Ch 1. 2dc in last ch1 space. Ss in 3rd ch of ch 4.

 5th Round: ch 3 (counts as  1 dc). 1 dc in back lp  to ch 2 space for corner. *1 dc ch 1 dc ch 1 dc in corner. Dc to next corner. Repeat from * all the way around granny square. Ss in top of ch 3. Fasten off.

Granny Square Layout for Blanket

This is a diagram showing you how to layout your granny squares.

Once you have them all connected you are ready to make the border.

Granny Square Blanket Border

1st Round: dc in back lp to the corner. *1 dc ch 1 dc ch 1 dc in corner. Dc to next corner. Repeat from * all the way around blanket. Ss in top of ch 3. 

2nd Round: 3 dc in each ch 1 sp to the corner. 3dc. Ch1. 3dc in each corner ch 1 sp.

3rd Round to 5th Round: Repeat 2nd Round.

6th Round: *Sc in back lp up to the corner. 3 sc in each ch 1 corner space. Repeat * around blanket.

Fasten off.


If I have any loose ends this is when I weave them into the back of the blanket.

Well that's it for today. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed your time with me. 

If you did, please feel free to share the love or opt to follow along on one of the social media platforms. Those friendly little buttons are on the right side bar. Bye for now. Wishing you the best, Darlene