Art Journals/Sketch Books - and Decorating the Cover

I've had a sketch book for as long as I can remember. It isn't an art journal as in today's definition but my books are a type of journal in that it shows a timeline of my life. My drawings depict how I was feeling and thinking at that particular period. Looking at the pictures always sends me down memory lane. So a couple of years ago I bought an art journal/sketch book for my granddaughter and I love flipping through it with her and talking about her pictures. I can see an evolution in her work as her ability and techniques change. I only wish I had it sooner and had a few of her earlier works. Unfortunately those are no where to be found. That's one of the great things about her art journal. For the most part Faith's drawings are neatly contained in one compact place - not loose papers all over the house getting wrinkled, torn or lost. Not that she only draws in her book. She normally reserves her art journal for times she wants to put extra effort...