25 Ways to Beat the Summer Heat Without A/C

Hi my name is Darlene and I am so happy you decided to join my today. With the summer temperatures reaching all time highs it is important to know how to prevent heat stress. Heat combined with other stresses such as hard physical labor, dehydration, fatigue or pre-existing medical conditions, it can lead to heat-related illness and death. To help you beat the summer heat I have created this list. Try visiting public buildings that are air conditioned. Places like shopping malls, libraries and movie theaters are great for cooling down. Go to the park. All the trees and other plants cool the air. Have a water balloon fight. Take a trip to the beach. Play at a splash pad. Get your water guns out. Run through the sprinkler. Try the “ Egyptian method. ” Dampen a sheet in cool water and use it as a blanket. Put your bathing suits on and have a cool bubble bath. Take a cool shower. Rinsing off under a stream of c ool water will br...