Yard Sale: Tips to Have the Best Yard Sale Ever! - Part 1 of 3

Please Share the Love Who wants a successful yard sale? I do, I do. Whether success means getting rid of lots of stuff or making moucho money you will have what it takes by the time you finish reading these three posts. I have years of experience and a great number of yard sales under my belt. I started helping my Mom thirty years ago and she has had at least one yard sale every year ever since. Before we get into the nitty gritty of it all, keep in mind that you have to have lots and lots of stuff to sell. The more you have, the higher chance you’ll get crowds of people stopping by to purchase from you. That being said, let’s get to it. The main points for part one of this mini-series will cover: Gathering Your Merchandise Enlist Others Pick a Date Early Birds Pick a Place Check on Permits Advertising The second part of this mini-series will cover: Gather Your Supplies Spiff Up Your Merchandise Sort Your Items Pric...