You're the Star Linky Party and Features Week 33
Welcome to the second week of the May blog hop called
"You're the Star"!

WELCOME to CREATIVE feature week of the May "You're the STAR" blog hop!
Meet your CREATIVE week Hosts
This week is CREATIVE feature week
Swing by the Creative hosting Team's blogs:
Anna @ Cuddlebug Cuties
Colleen @ Butterfly in the Attic
Darlene @ Let It Shine
Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
There will be 4 different features each week and 4 different feature categories. Just to be clear - this is NOT a themed party - you may link up ANY family-friendly blog posts any day of each month. Swing by the Creative hosting Team's blogs:
Anna @ Cuddlebug Cuties
Colleen @ Butterfly in the Attic
Darlene @ Let It Shine
Angel @ Sew Crafty Angel
This is a month long Linky party featuring YOU!
The "theme" occurs in our weekly features:
WEEK#2 CREATIVE - arts & crafts, music, writing &/or dramatic arts (this can include sewing, yarn work, dance, art history, handmade jewelry, painting, computer art, fashion etc - anything creative while remaining family friendly)

(These features were chosen from the April "You're the Star" blog hop)
New Use for Old Stuff by Cut Off in the Keweenaw
Stitchery Check-In by Reviews, Chews & How-Tos

Rachel & Regan's Quilts by Better Than I Deserve!
Why Did My Plant Die? - A Fun Poem by J. Charlesworth - by Farm Fresh Fun
If you've been featured then please grab a STAR button below:

We are in need of more Cohosts (click HERE to view a list of our current hosts/cohosts).
If you are interested in joining us as a Cohost then please click HERE & fill out the form.
All Hosts/CoHosts will post this blog hop on every Monday of each week.
Please link up your family friendly blog posts below!
It wouldn't be a linky party with YOU!
(IMPORTANT NOTE: by linking up you understand that you might be featured next month and if so, we will use some of your photos from your post - rest assured - we will always link back to your lovely blog. We might also share your fantastic posts on social media. Also, you may link up as many family-friendly posts as you like & YES - other blog hops &/or giveaways are welcome {giveaways and blog hops will NOT be featured though} Thank You & ENJOY! )
No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier. And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules. The hardworking farmer must be first to partake of the crops. - 2 Timothy 2:4-6 (NKJV)
Thanks so much for the party each week!!